Advice for Homeowners About Fire Safety

It’s essential to keep in mind that accidents in the home can happen at any time and that safety should be our priority. Taking into account the different factors that can cause a fire is the only way to guarantee that we live in a safe environment. At the same time, it is crucial to know the procedures to follow if an incident like this occurs. That said, [Porch has] rounded up expert advice from professionals that offered some general rules to have in mind in case of a fire and valuable safety tips that will help you prevent accidents.

Safety First was invited to contribute to this article by, Inc. Read the full article here.

What are the most common things people forget when elaborating a fire escape plan at home?

“I think the best answer to that is time, or exactly how long it will take them to achieve actions necessary for a quick escape. For example – How long will it take to get out of a smoke-filled environment quickly?  Time each identified action to see how long it takes. This relates to how many members of the household are involved, including pets.  Lives are lost when people try to go back to save loved ones. Identify the quick route and then have an alternative route out as well and make sure that there are no obstacles in the way that could trip up people.

Do you need keys to open any doors? If so leave keys in locks. Identify a safe place outside where everyone can meet – and stick to the plan.

Hold family meetings on a regular basis and go over the plan.

Setting up a schedule for testing smoke alarms – and you can now get heat detectors placed in kitchens, garages, and laundries. Don’t assume someone in the family does this – nominate someone and check. Set a reminder in your calendar each month, so you don’t forget.”

– Safety First

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